Hi, my name is Graham Thompson

Determined to do the best I can

Passionate about programming

Consistently learning and growing

Continue scrolling to learn more about me.

About me

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Hi, my name is Graham, I started my programming journey in 2022 by attending an Information technology certificate 3 course at Tafe.

I love the opportunities to learn and grow as a person that arise from the challenges that programming has provided me with. It has taught me to think, to be creative and to understand the general approach I take to problem solving which generally involves first understanding, what it is I do not yet understand.

Prior to this I had been a mechanic for 16 years, having spent most of my career working on Aston Martins among other brands such as Rolls Royce and Bentley.

In my spare time I enjoy reading, programming, going to the gym and playing video games. I also have a keen interest in exploring different parts of the world and have travelled around southeast Asia, China, Hong Kong, and the east coast of Australia.

How much have I learnt in 2 years? Let me show you.


Inventory management application

  • C#
  • Bootstrap
  • ASP.NET core MVC
  • Enitity framework core
  • SQL server

Still in progress this is a full stack web application built for a small business that buys and sells second-hand vintage items.

I gathered client requirements, designed, and built this project for the purpose of helping the business along with using it as a way to learn the .NET core frameworks I will be using in my upcoming diploma course specialising in advanced programming at Tafe.

This project already includes server side validation however, in the future I plan to implement client side validation using Javascript to increase performance so a call to the server is not required each time a form is submitted. I also plan to implement various graphs into the dashboard component of the application, along with UX upgrades to the form inputs.

Cert IV employee payslip winforms application

  • C#
  • .NET Winforms

A windows desktop application that can be used to create a payslip for an employee, it reads in employee data and tax data from seperate .csv files, calculates and displays a summary of the payslip and then saves the payslip data to a timestamped .csv file.

This was my first project built using object oriented programming techniques, I created user stories, use case and class diagrams during the design phase of the project. I also carried out reseach on the best way to overcome the task of working with .csv files which lead me to make comparisons on different libraries available through nuget package manager and finally implement one of those libraries into my design.

Cert III console login application

  • Python

This is the first project I completed, it was part of my Information technology certificate 3 at Tafe in 2022. It is a simple login program that reads from and writes to a .txt file which allows the user to login using their user name and password, create an account with choices to create their own password or have one generated for them, and view all of the created accounts.

View all of my projects on github


View my education below


Javascript Associate programmer

Javascript Associate programmer

Javascript Entry Level programmer

Javascript Entry level programmer

Python entry level programmer

Python entry level programmer

IBM AI fundamentals

IBM AI fundamentals

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Tafe Diploma Information Technology Advanced Programming

Feb 2024 - Dec 2024

During this course my team and I will be creating a full stack web application project using ASP.NET core MVC and implement Rest APIs within the MVC project to allow connection from a mobile application built using React Native. I will also focus on improving my presentation, communication, and teamwork skills.

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Tafe Certificate IV Information Technology Programming

Feb 2023 - Jun 2023

During this course I have gained practical skills in the following areas:

  • Object-oriented programming using the C# language and .NET core frameworks.
  • Web development using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • SQL queries using Microsoft DBMS and SQL server, along with database design.
  • Mobile application development using Node JS, React Native and Expo.

These skills were acquired through projects including:

  • Designing and implementing a Winforms pay slip application in C# which reads in employee and tax threshold data from a .csv file. Allows employees to enter their hours worked via a timesheet form and produces a pay slip based on their tax threshold and hourly rate.
  • Developed a restaurant order website in HTML/CSS/JavaScript which takes user inputs and calculates the best price based on various bundle pricing deals.
  • Designed and developed a database for a medical practice booking system in SQL Server, including entry and retrieval of patient and practitioner records.
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Tafe Certificate III Information Technology

Jul 2022 - Nov 2022

This course provided me with a solid foundation in all areas of Information technology covering subjects such as:

  • Programming using the Python programming language.
  • Web development using HTML and CSS.
  • Cyber security, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, types of cyber attacks, network vulnerabilities.
  • Networking, Ip addressing, Routers, Switches, data redundancy.
  • Computer hardware/Software, Installing hardware components, Installing Microsoft windows, Operating systems.
  • Virtual machines using Oracle Virtual Box.
  • IT support, workplace skills, presentations, organizational structures.
  • Cloud computing.

I gained practical skills in programming and web development by completing the following projects:

  • A console login application that reads passwords and usernames from a .txt file and allows users to create their own usernames and passwords which then get written to the .txt file.
  • A simple cake shop website that I uploaded to a server using an FTP client.

Thank you for taking the time to view my porfolio, I look foward to hearing from you.
